8am to 5pm, October 1, 2021
Practical & Straightforward Recommendations on Bioanalytical Certificate of Analysis (CoA) from GCC - Live Discussion on the draft GCC White Paper on CoA
Working Team: Joe Bower, Edward Tabler, Stacie McCown, Jennifer Zimmer, Shane Karnik
The goal of this working team is to provide recommendations allowing for consistent information and level of detail that should be provided within all COAs pertaining to both small and macromolecule reference materials.
The main topics the team will cover in the White Paper related to common deficiencies encounter in COAs:
Below is the final draft of the recommendation from the working team to be included in a COA which includes all of the key components of the COA truly needed to ensure proper use and handling of the material.
Name of Material |
Source |
Batch / Lot |
Storage Condition |
Expiration / Retest |
Purity |
Concentration |